Yesterday, I noticed a post on my Facebook newsfeed about
carbon dioxide in the past and climate change. It quickly became apparent that
the data was incomplete, and someone had already posted a note about that. I
posted links to two similar articles that had more complete information, and,
of course, my comments were heartily criticized, because the original was from
NASA, while I posted links by people who do make their livings backing an
Since then I have been thinking about the problems that can
be created by cherry-picking data. "Cherry picking, suppressing evidence,
or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual
cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a
significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.
It is a kind of fallacy of selective attention, the most common example of
which is the confirmation bias. [1][2] Cherry picking may be committed
intentionally or unintentionally. This fallacy is a major problem in public
"Rigorous science looks at all the evidence (rather than cherry picking
only favorable evidence), controls for variables as to identify what is
actually working, uses blinded observations so as to minimize the effects of
bias, and uses internally consistent logic."[7] ibid Cherry Picking is
very much like using a false premise, because with cherry picking one can
tailor the data to provide that results that one wants.
It is clear that this sort of cherry picking has been used
to create "big lies", and it appears that the people who call
themselves climate scientists are tailoring their output so that they will keep
their jobs, but most people do not have the background and critical judgement
to know that. But the scientists who engage in intellectual fraud should
remember that it is fraud. They are presenting something that is false in its
basis, and other people may act differently as results of their fraud. There
may be additional reasons for the cherry picking in this field, but financial
gain is adequate.
While I started this as a result of cherry picking in the
climate business, but they are not the only ones who use cherry picking to
tailor their results to push a particular opinion. Cherry picking is also
popular in most political debates: taxes, trade, gun control, labor issues,
vaccination, education, and almost everything else. And the use of cherry
picking isn't restricted to a particular political persuasion; the people who
use it are people who want to twist arms into accepting their beliefs,
regardless of actual facts.
In public discourse, everyone is pushing his preferred
opinions (myself included), so it is valid to suspect everyone of cherry
picking facts or using other logical fallacies to make their opinions look
We should question our sources of information and wonder
whether they presented all of the facts. Even when a person or entity should be
objective, there may be reasons why they do not bother with the whole truth.
While we expect that from news media, it is also true of government agencies
and educational institutions.
While multiple sources are necessary, one must also look at
the information provided and consider whether it even makes sense, and whether
it is consistent with the rest of the world. Critical judgement is essential in
determining whether data could be faked or accurate.
A few relevant articles
long term CO2 and temperature, this mentions the lack of any
consistent relationship between CO2 and temperature
Climate Change Is the easiest News to Fake
Fake journal articles epidemic
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