Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's a New Era

Since the world will be coming to an end on the twenty-first day of this month, we have to start a new world. For that purpose, I propose a new era, which will be named “The New Era”, and a new calendar that will start when the Mayan Calendar ends. This new calendar will be named The New Calendar. The year will start with two intercalendral holidays that will not be part of any moth: Winter Solstice and New Year’s Day. After that we will get to the common matter of the ten day weeks, three to a month.
For convenience, and so we won’t have to learn all new names for the days, we will retain the seven days that the old-fashioned calendar has, and to those we will add days named for Neptune, Pluto, and Jupiter, Neptday, Plutday, and Jupday.
We may want to rearrange the names of the days, but that isn’t important. It will be important that there will be a three day weekend every week, but, at least for a while, there will be no holidays. The situation will be much more convenient, because 31% of the days will be weekends or intercalendral, while only 28% are such at present. It will also be easier to remember what day of the week falls on which date, because each day of a month will fall on the same day of the week every month.
Everyone will win, except for the Moon worshippers (well, someone had to lose), and the people who print calendars, because two will serve for every year – one for regular years and one for leap years.

I have already calculated the dates for many years to come, and I will post that when I figure out how to make a spreadsheet look right in here.

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