Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Coolness of New England

Saturday, January 17th, 2009
The Coolness of New England
Being a New Englander, I have become immune to extremes in weather. I have worn an overcoat a few times this winter but only when I was shovelling snow. People who can't take the coolth of a New England winter shouldn't live in New England. It seldom becomes cold here. Temperatures in the single digits are fairly comfortable, but it starts becoming uncomfortable around ten degrees below zero. It isn't actually cold until it gets down to twenty below. I have been out in such temperatures, and it was rather uncomfortable.

On the opposite side of warmth, I surprised a few years ago when I learned that people from Equitorial Africa couldn't stand normal New England Summer weather with temperatures in the nineties and humidity to match.

I would imagine that the comfort that New Englanders have with extreme temperatures played a part in our becoming tolerant of all sorts of unpleasantness from some people to silly government regulations. If people want to part silly regulations into law that's fine, but it doesn't mean that we should pay attention to those laws.

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