In Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius Niccolò
Machiavelli went on at some length about how elders have been complaining about
the younger generation and younger people have been complaining about the
elders for thousands of years. His thought was that the degeneration was
exaggerated, because humanity would have fallen into savagery long ago if the
generations were progressively that degenerate. Or I might have made that up to
try to make Machiavelli look even better. But even the Ancient Greeks
complained about younger generations, and such complaints continue, and probably
will continue into the far distant future.
My opinion is that both the younger and older generations
should have a little more understanding of the other, and all people should
have a better understanding of history. While older generations have had more experience,
the youngers have the enthusiasm of youth that has not yet been stifled by
stark reality. Those of my generation already decided that we "Won't Get
Fooled Again", as The Who put it.
But everyone is fooled by someone in some way. Some of us learn to avoid
listening to anyone, while others use careful analysis of data and argument
before we will accept anything. And most people just go one being fooled time
after time. This is another thing that has been known for thousands of years,
and no one has found a cure. In Proverbs it was expressed as: "As a dog
will return to its vomit, a fool will return to his folly." (Proverbs
26:11) That same idea is contained in the adage about studying history: Those who
do know history are doomed to watch in horror as it is repeated.
Perhaps the most substantial difference between the
generations is historical perspective. Most people think that anything that
happened before their births is ancient history, irrelevant to today's world.
Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, we are still suffering
from the Mongol invasions of the thirteenth century, and that is true of China,
Russia, the Mideast, Europe and Central Asia. And Charlemagne's empire is still
relevant to Europe. And just a short time ago, the French were sending Indians
to murder, rape, and kidnap people in the British colonies of North America.
Even though you may hate and repudiate the past, the present was shaped by the
past; the past that you repudiate is yours. If you follow a religion, then it
almost certainly has an ancient origin, but that's because we know that the
recently founded religions are all frauds. Today's political and economic ideas
also have their origins in ancient philosophy.
Alas, there are people who take advantage of the relative
innocence of youth, and that has been going on for a long time, but in the
1960's there were songs about young people who discovered that they had been
played for fools. In addition to "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who;
and there was "My Backpages " by Bob Dylan. But everyone has to learn
those lessons for himself, learn that the new boss is the same as the old boss.
Eventually, everyone learns that they were fooled, but for
some it takes a lifetime, while others learn a little faster. It is sad that
the ones doing the fooling are often the ones who were presented as the ones
that you should trust. It makes me happier that I am not claiming to have any
new or better ideas; I am simply presenting ideas that have been around for a
long time in slightly different words. Humans have not changed greatly for a
long time; there have been slow, incremental changes, but the underlying
motivations and drives are the same for modern humans as they were for humans
in ancient times and probably for the great apes even earlier, and I think that
people should become comfortable with those earlier times and with humans
having been humans even back then.
Most of the time we are fooled by marketing lies, fluff,
puffery. Most of the time and most of the lies are used to sell products and
services, but they are also used to sell political candidates and programs. The
worst part is that I usually disagree with the candidates and programs they are
pushing, but other people think that government should make all their decisions
for them.
But one can tell a lot about the quality of goods, services,
ideas, or whatever by the marketing given to them. Good quality things don't
require much marketing, a good description is usually adequate; for example,
most foods sell themselves. But low quality goods require marketing to make
them appear good, and truly bad products need heavy-handed marketing to move
them off the shelves.
Similarly, completely good political ideas only need
description to be supported by most people, as is the case with free speech.
Low quality ideas like "progressive" income taxes require some marketing
to sell them to most people. And truly bad ideas such as anthropogenic climate
change require heavy-handed arm twisting to sell them to most people; things
along the lines of: If you don't believe this then you are opposed to science.
As has been known for a long time "There's a sucker
born every minute." Some people grow out of that and learn how to avoid
being taken, but others don't last that long.